Wednesday, October 14, 2015

October 14, 2015

Due to a Florida Conference Principal Meeting that is scheduled in Apopka on Thursday; I will need to make arrangements to have my parent-teacher conferences next Wednesday, October 21, 2015. Please either email or text me your email address so that I may send you an electronic sign up sheet. If you are unable to attend and/or would prefer to have a phone conference that can also be arranged. My contact information is (480) 206-4584 or

Sunday, October 18 from 8am to 1pm we will be having our JAA/Church Yard Sale. 7th and 8th grade students who will be going to Williamsburg need to arrive by 7. Trucks are needed to be able to transport items from the school to the church parking lot.

Attention Middle School Basketball Parents! We will be having a short parent/team meeting Thursday, October 22, 2015 @4:30 to discuss all matters associated with JAA association with the new athletic league.

Please visit our classroom blog for more information on assignments, news and other announcements.

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